Wednesday, June 24, 2020

And some time passes

Despite my initial resolve to write here a lot, as usual my inability to sustain a journal for more than three or four entries strikes again. Also, in the past few months, COVID popped up and turned all of our lives around.

The first month of COVID/working from home was hell. Not specifically because of COVID, but because there was so much: routines were fucked up, people at work didn't know what was going on, the crush of illness paperwork was overwhelming. It was a stressful period.

-- As an aside, here's a little known and never spoken about truth: dying is a fuckload of paperwork. I basically need a part-time secretary or bookkeeper to keep up with all of this shit. --

The months since March have been much better. Work is still busy, but we've chipped away at the paperwork and all of the tasks, we've established a rhythm, and for better or worse, we're getting a ton of time together as a family. That part has been amazing.

Rereading my entry from February, the biggest downside of COVID is that it crushed all those bucket list-type dreams. Going to our favorite beach spot, going to Europe, seeing friends and family and luxuriating in their love and support were (and still are) out. We're fine with it I suppose because what are you going to do, but I have a feeling this is going to be a long-lasting regret.